Crystal Healing

crystal1Often when people find out that I am a crystal healing practitioner they exclaim “Does that really work?”. To me this is a silly question, of course it works, however it soon becomes apparent that their expectation is that something magical should happen with crystals floating around the room or shooting out rays of light everywhere.

While crystal healing does work, I’ve yet to see any effects such as those. What I have seen however is the immediate sense of calm and well-being that crystals bring to people as they balance their energy, and the longer lasting effects of bringing their bodies out of states of dis-ease and back into their natural balance.

How does Crystal Healing Work?

It’s likely that you’ve heard that all matter is made up of energy if you look closely enough, even modern day science agrees when you get down to the quantum level. Crystals are a strange sort of matter as they are created by atoms aligning themselves in very specific patterns. Since all matter is made up of energy, these specific patterns that form into crystals have a very specific type of energy, which is also very strong.

The main property of energy is frequency (or vibration). Each organ and system in your body vibrates at it’s own frequency, and when out of balance from this frequency dis-ease is created. Many crystals share the same frequency as our body systems/organs and so when we place crystals near our body, we create a resonance between the crystal’s frequency and our body’s frequency. Our body recognises the crystal’s vibration and matches it, bringing it back to it’s natural state of well-being. In this way the crystals don’t exactly heal our body, but rather help our body to heal itself.

In much the same way, crystals can affect our energy systems within (energy channels) and outside of our body (auras), thus helping not only with physical ailments, but with mental, emotional and energetic issues also.

Wearing crystals on and around your body is all it takes for them to start influencing your energy systems. They do not need to touch your skin directly as your energy field (and the crystal’s energy field) extend at least a few inches. Seeing a crystal healing practitioner can be very beneficial as they will often use many crystals that work together on various body parts, bodily and energetic systems to heal in a holistic way.

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