Why you need a Life Coach

ChoicesSometimes we look back over our lives and wonder if things could have been different. Maybe it’s a milestone birthday, the birth of a child, or departing of a loved one that spurs this thought, or perhaps you’ve just encountered a setback in your own life. Reflection is a good thing, it allows us to realize just how far we’ve come, but sometimes it also leads to regrets and memories of lost dreams and hopes.

I firmly believe that it’s never too late to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality, but it does take time and effort, and another key factor- motivation.

We all fall into the trap of sometimes saying that we don’t have enough time to do something. In reality we are prioritizing other tasks, so “not enough time” really means “can’t be bothered” or “it’s not as important as x”. Sometimes we need motivation to start a project, or to keep it going when the going gets tough and the initial excitement passes.

What does a life coach have to do with this?

The main difference between someone that achieves their dream and someone who doesn’t, is how they look at the road that takes them there. If this road seems a windy road through mountains and snow, with the end nowhere in sight, and littered with potholes, well there’s no wonder it all seems too hard. Imagine however a road that’s mostly straight and narrow, with clearly marked signposts along the way showing your progress, with regular rest stops to help you recharge, and a clear map to help if you do lose your way, sounds much more achievable doesn’t it?

This is what a life coach can help you do.

A life coach is just what the name implies, a coach to help you navigate life’s challenges. A good coach will help you define your goals so that they are manageable, plan out how to achieve them, and help keep you motivated along the way. A great coach will help change the way you think about the goal, any obstacles that try to interfere, and ensure that it’s a logical and ecological fit within the rest of your life.

A coach is not a mentor. A mentor is someone that has done “it” before, whatever “it” is. A coach is different in that they do not need to have done it before, they are an expert in the goal setting and achieving process. In fact a coach can be better than a mentor as a mentor is usually focused on how they did it “their way”, not how you can do it “your way”.

Still not sure if you need a life coach?Coaching concept tag cloud

It’s likely you’re imagining a sports coach running up and down the field yelling at players to do better or making them exercise until they drop. While an amusing image, this is not at all the way a good life coach works. They are the advocate for your life and your goals, and work with you, by teaching you how to set achievable goals, how to keep yourself motivated, how to deal with obstacles or blocks, and the best coaches also help you to change your mindset to one in which you are worthy of achieving your very obtainable goals no matter the obstacle and still enjoy the rest of your life.

What’s the difference between a good coach and a great one?

There are many people who work as life coaches, some with qualifications, some without. In the spiritual world, some psychics have started to call themselves spiritual life coaches, without any knowledge of the principles and tools a coach needs, and I would be wary of engaging with these.

A solid foundation in coaching comes from a coaching certification, of which there are many. Add to this a methodology such as Neuro Linguistic Programming and your coach now has an incredible skill set to help you achieve rapid changes in your life.

photodune-5729692-goal-target-xsWhat if you don’t have any goals?

Life should be balanced, so if things aren’t going well for you, there’s a good chance that your life is a little out of kilter. Before setting any goals, your coach will help you look at the areas in your life, and see how happy you are with them, and where you’re not completely satisfied, help you work out what could help you be more content. That’s all it takes to work out some goals! Goals don’t have to be to “climb Mount Everest” or “write a 1000 page novel”, though they certainly can be. It’s the little things that make life better, and hiring a life coach is the perfect way to start.

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