When you realize that you are an Empath, it can be a wonderful revelation as things start to make sense and fall into place, and you can move forward in the process of learning how to work with your gifts. If you are an Empath (like me) and didn’t know it for years (like me) […]
I’ve recently been asked by a number of people about when/how I discovered my psychic ‘gifts’ and how I currently use them. So here are my experiences that have brought me to where I am today, and my current understanding of how I work as a psychic medium. Growing up I was always interested in […]
Sometimes we look back over our lives and wonder if things could have been different. Maybe it’s a milestone birthday, the birth of a child, or departing of a loved one that spurs this thought, or perhaps you’ve just encountered a setback in your own life. Reflection is a good thing, it allows us to […]
You might have heard of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) but how much do you really understand about what NLP actually is? Some describe NLP as “The study of subjective experience”, or ” an attitude and methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques”, and with a complicated sounding name, it’s no wonder that most descriptions […]
Often when people find out that I am a crystal healing practitioner they exclaim “Does that really work?”. To me this is a silly question, of course it works, however it soon becomes apparent that their expectation is that something magical should happen with crystals floating around the room or shooting out rays of light […]
If you have ever done any spiritual / energetic work then you are probably familiar with the widely used term ‘grounding’. But what exactly is grounding? I have recently come to realise that many people have vastly different ideas of what grounding is, which I find fascinating since we all use the term assuming we […]